This week I'm entering a new decade! Not something that registers on the richter scale from impact, but a milestone nonetheless. The past year of discipling college students who are just beginning the same decade made me realize that my 20's were FULL. And somewhat unique to today's post-modern culture, but not without 10 years worth of memories and experiences that drip with God's outrageous grace.
So, to my Twenties: I bid you a fond farewell. In the 10 years that you gave me the title of "twenty-something", you also gave me a dog to raise (and give away), several (wonderful!) roommates, about a hundred jobs to get me through college, 9 residences (including a friend's basement and a double-wide trailer), and one slightly useless Bachelor's degree.
You saw the disappearance of acne (though not until the late twenties, mind you), and the appearance of an entrepreneur hidden deep inside. You introduced me to love, turned me into a bride, and washed away the insecurities of adolescence with the affection of a man I never deserved. You saw me go from a wobbly baby believer to a woman confidently rooted in the acceptance, forgiveness and consuming love of Jesus.
So, to my Twenties: I bid you a fond farewell. In the 10 years that you gave me the title of "twenty-something", you also gave me a dog to raise (and give away), several (wonderful!) roommates, about a hundred jobs to get me through college, 9 residences (including a friend's basement and a double-wide trailer), and one slightly useless Bachelor's degree.
You saw the disappearance of acne (though not until the late twenties, mind you), and the appearance of an entrepreneur hidden deep inside. You introduced me to love, turned me into a bride, and washed away the insecurities of adolescence with the affection of a man I never deserved. You saw me go from a wobbly baby believer to a woman confidently rooted in the acceptance, forgiveness and consuming love of Jesus.
You were the decade of tiny apartments, tiny budgets, and a tiny body created within mine that gave me a new title: Mother. There were unaccepted applications, lost jobs, unmet expectations; but all were just guiding buoys leading the way to even sweeter joys. Somewhere in there I also lost my gallbladder. And I really hope my memory is just on a temporary hiatus & will return again soon. You tutored me with kindness instead of pain and fullness instead of loneliness. You gave me the dearest, deepest friendships I've ever known, with women who are more like soul-mates that bff's. You've given blessings that made evident the very real and wholly unearned goodness of my Father in heaven. No matter what the 'dirty thirties' bring, I will remember you as the decade that thrust me into the world, showed me my purpose and gave me the gifts to accomplish it.
My dear twenties, you have been merciful to me. I entered as a clueless college student (and horribly dressed, now that I see the pictures), went through that newly-wed, super broke middle stage, and now I leave you 8.5 years into marriage, a Mama and a business owner, but still a dreamer. And even more aware of how far I still have to go. There are dreams of adopted children, Jesus-exalting church plants, new souls being won to the cause of Christ, and new depths to plumb in my journey with my Savior. I already look forward to making the memories that I'll reminisce over in another decade.
Thank you, dear twenties. For teaching me courage. For the failures along with the successes, for the heartaches along with the overwhelming joys. I'm so so glad that I spent 90% of my twenties with the man I hope to spend the rest of my days with. Thank you for the wisdom that came from all of those 3,650 days; wisdom which is in large part due to the invaluable mentors that shaped a young heart, mind & life.
With that, I leave you and join the "thirty-somethings..."
Thank you, dear twenties. For teaching me courage. For the failures along with the successes, for the heartaches along with the overwhelming joys. I'm so so glad that I spent 90% of my twenties with the man I hope to spend the rest of my days with. Thank you for the wisdom that came from all of those 3,650 days; wisdom which is in large part due to the invaluable mentors that shaped a young heart, mind & life.
With that, I leave you and join the "thirty-somethings..."